I'm back! Anyway the other day I made 2 separate Facebook posts. One where I spoke about being brought up in a racially biased society. I spoke on a topic that has been studied and experimented with for about 30 years or so. If you don't know who Jane Elliot is, you should find out fast. In the late 1960s early 70s. Elliot was a third grade teacher and right after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated she decided to do an experiment on her third graders to show them what people of color are faced with every single day.The experiment is called "the blue eyed brown eyed experiment". It showed how the anger and urge to fight back comes so naturally. Anyway I won't spend too much time on that. If you'd like to know more visit www.janeelliot.com . Continuing my second post posed this question: Can u give me a legitimate reason why being gay is wrong WITHOUT using God, the Bible or law/government. My second post (pertaining to the question of gay people) has 66+ comments. Many of the comments from people that clearly have a problem with same sex relationships gave no actual evidence, nothing but opinion and redirect. One person even tried to make a point using a comparison to pretty much pedophilia. One guy was just angry. His comments obviously came from a place of anger and hate. He had sooooo much to say but no actual FACT. Which was my essential question.
Aside from this, the ladder post (about racism) received ONE comment. That got me thinking, are we really more afraid of our children seeing healthy and happy same sex relationships than we are about knowing that my 12 year old son can get shot in the middle of the day by police for playing IN THE PARK with a toy gun. That a 15 year old BLACK teenager can be killed from a police officer shooting into the car over a suspicion of drug use. Which reports later came out and showed the boy and his friends were leaving the party because of the things that were going on at said party. The case is still being reviewed at the moment.
Now let me give you another scenario. A police officer in either Minnesota or Minneapolis one of them cities/states that starts with an M. He had his DNA tested by one of those "ancestory.com" type of sites and told one of his fellow police officers that the test showed he was 18% of African descent. They then began making fun of him. Calling him kunta. For Christmas they put a black Santa ornament on the tree and wrote 18% on it with his last name. This officer by the way is now suing for harassment and what not. I think he absolutely should. I think this is more evidence of how people of color are viewed in our society.
I grew up in a community that was predominantly black. I grew up in the projects, I went to all the local public schools but I was faced with racism as well. They used to call me "white girl" and other ignorant names. Even at that young age I couldn't understand why they would attack me when plain and simple we are one in the same. The "white man" views me as just as dangerous as a black person.
As I got older, I understood it was just because I was different. I stuck out like a sore thumb. My lighter skin and long hair (even though my hair was nappy as shit) was enough to see that I didn't look like everyone else. I was bullied and I've heard ridiculous rumors about myself. I can't even begin to list them.
My point is, how do same sex relationships make you so angry and the real, true and unapologetic racism doesn't get your panties in this much of a bunch. I mean I don't know about you but I am ANGRY and AFRAID every single day for my black children.
Now here's something else that irks me to the core. I specifically said do not bring God into the situation ( I am A believer of God and just wanted FACTS) and a family member of mine whom l love deeply and seems to be very religious brought that up, I then addressed it and what I received was something along the lines of "oh cuz if you think I won't mention GOD that's not going to happen". I understand your position but that was not the exercise. I didn't want or need your person opinion. I'm looking for FACTS. If you want to go down that road of using GOD to excuse your ignorance, think of this: Catholics and Christians used the word of GOD to slaughter tens of thousands of people "in the name of God". Also the KKK used the fact that they believed God wanted a "white America" to make an excuse for their senseless killings. Meanwhile your Bible clearly states Jesus had feet the color of brass and white hair the texture of wool. So many families especially Hispanic families have that picture of Jesus with the wavy hair and looking upward as if he were praying to God. Your Bible also states in not these exact words but it's ok to have slaves. Would you like to be a slave? Would you be content and happy knowing that you are meant to be someone's property because this is what your Bible tells you is right? Does that make sense to you?
How does a teacher that falls in love with a student even compare to same sex relationships? Let me tell you the difference, If a teacher and student get into a physical relationship that teacher is at fault due to the fact that they are in a position of power. The same teacher can fail you, causing you to repeat the class, not graduate and hinder your growth. That is the point. They possess some sort of power and/or control over what happens to you in the future. You cannot compare it to 2 people of the same sex who love each other without the threat of one of them being in a position of power. It's NOT the same thing.
I have had experience being in a same sex relationship and had a very bad experience. My partner at the time was very abusive towards me, used me and it was by far the worse relationship I'd ever experienced but I take responsibility for the things that I allowed. I was young and dumb. I let this person make me believe that no one else would want me. That I was useless and undesirable by anyone but her. As you can see I've moved on to a healthy relationship, had a couple more kids and am with someone I believe has our best interests at heart.
Upon my research I see domestic violence runs rapid through same sex relationships. Women beat on other women and Men beat on other men because as far as we know a man shouldn't put his hands on a woman. But there are girls who will hit a man and say it's ok because I'm a girl. He still shouldn't put his hands on me. which is bullshit by the way. No one should be excused from putting their hands on someone else regardless of gender. Please remember that same sex relationships face the same fears, insecurities and arguments as straight relationships. We all want the same damn thing, that one person that accepts you for who and what you are and is down for you from beginning to end. Isn't that what we all strive for? What does it matter if she finds solace in another woman or if he finds what he needs in another man or if after all the bull shit I've been through I find a man that knows my past and my secrets and can see that I am still special and a person of value. I like many of you want to be loved unconditionally. I want a man (or someone) that respects me and treats me as an individual, not property. I am NO ONE'S property. I do what I want when I want and that's the way it should be.
Fuck if you're a woman with a woman, a man with a man, a transgender with whatever. We all want and deserve love. What makes an LGBTQ person less deserving of love than a "straight" person? Are you telling them they don't deserve love because "it is unnatural?". I can name so many things that are unnatural. Did you know that monogamy is unnatural? That the mere thought of you being with the person you're with for the rest of life will be the only person you will be with 'till death do you part? You do know that is considered unnatural. But this is what we all want.
Why don't we focus on the fact that latinos and African Americans get stopped 20+ times more by police than "whites" do. The fact that being Black you have to work harder and longer than a white person for a fair recognition of your work. That doesn't bother you? Are you really more upset about same sex relationships than this?
We are in an era where a dumb ass like [Donald Trump] can be president of this country, claim that he will take care of everyone and then turns around and takes Health Insurance away from 25,000,000 Americans. Why won't you rise up against this? Why isn't your blood boiling against this? This affects our children, our society as a whole. Not gay people, it's YOU!!!! You ignorant pricks! No one cares about shit until it directly affects them, meanwhile these actual issues affect all of us, which I will have to cover in a separate post. Talk shit, comment and subscribe to my blog! I love to hear your feedback no matter how ignorant it may be.
Aside from this, the ladder post (about racism) received ONE comment. That got me thinking, are we really more afraid of our children seeing healthy and happy same sex relationships than we are about knowing that my 12 year old son can get shot in the middle of the day by police for playing IN THE PARK with a toy gun. That a 15 year old BLACK teenager can be killed from a police officer shooting into the car over a suspicion of drug use. Which reports later came out and showed the boy and his friends were leaving the party because of the things that were going on at said party. The case is still being reviewed at the moment.
Now let me give you another scenario. A police officer in either Minnesota or Minneapolis one of them cities/states that starts with an M. He had his DNA tested by one of those "ancestory.com" type of sites and told one of his fellow police officers that the test showed he was 18% of African descent. They then began making fun of him. Calling him kunta. For Christmas they put a black Santa ornament on the tree and wrote 18% on it with his last name. This officer by the way is now suing for harassment and what not. I think he absolutely should. I think this is more evidence of how people of color are viewed in our society.
I grew up in a community that was predominantly black. I grew up in the projects, I went to all the local public schools but I was faced with racism as well. They used to call me "white girl" and other ignorant names. Even at that young age I couldn't understand why they would attack me when plain and simple we are one in the same. The "white man" views me as just as dangerous as a black person.
As I got older, I understood it was just because I was different. I stuck out like a sore thumb. My lighter skin and long hair (even though my hair was nappy as shit) was enough to see that I didn't look like everyone else. I was bullied and I've heard ridiculous rumors about myself. I can't even begin to list them.
My point is, how do same sex relationships make you so angry and the real, true and unapologetic racism doesn't get your panties in this much of a bunch. I mean I don't know about you but I am ANGRY and AFRAID every single day for my black children.
Now here's something else that irks me to the core. I specifically said do not bring God into the situation ( I am A believer of God and just wanted FACTS) and a family member of mine whom l love deeply and seems to be very religious brought that up, I then addressed it and what I received was something along the lines of "oh cuz if you think I won't mention GOD that's not going to happen". I understand your position but that was not the exercise. I didn't want or need your person opinion. I'm looking for FACTS. If you want to go down that road of using GOD to excuse your ignorance, think of this: Catholics and Christians used the word of GOD to slaughter tens of thousands of people "in the name of God". Also the KKK used the fact that they believed God wanted a "white America" to make an excuse for their senseless killings. Meanwhile your Bible clearly states Jesus had feet the color of brass and white hair the texture of wool. So many families especially Hispanic families have that picture of Jesus with the wavy hair and looking upward as if he were praying to God. Your Bible also states in not these exact words but it's ok to have slaves. Would you like to be a slave? Would you be content and happy knowing that you are meant to be someone's property because this is what your Bible tells you is right? Does that make sense to you?
How does a teacher that falls in love with a student even compare to same sex relationships? Let me tell you the difference, If a teacher and student get into a physical relationship that teacher is at fault due to the fact that they are in a position of power. The same teacher can fail you, causing you to repeat the class, not graduate and hinder your growth. That is the point. They possess some sort of power and/or control over what happens to you in the future. You cannot compare it to 2 people of the same sex who love each other without the threat of one of them being in a position of power. It's NOT the same thing.
I have had experience being in a same sex relationship and had a very bad experience. My partner at the time was very abusive towards me, used me and it was by far the worse relationship I'd ever experienced but I take responsibility for the things that I allowed. I was young and dumb. I let this person make me believe that no one else would want me. That I was useless and undesirable by anyone but her. As you can see I've moved on to a healthy relationship, had a couple more kids and am with someone I believe has our best interests at heart.
Upon my research I see domestic violence runs rapid through same sex relationships. Women beat on other women and Men beat on other men because as far as we know a man shouldn't put his hands on a woman. But there are girls who will hit a man and say it's ok because I'm a girl. He still shouldn't put his hands on me. which is bullshit by the way. No one should be excused from putting their hands on someone else regardless of gender. Please remember that same sex relationships face the same fears, insecurities and arguments as straight relationships. We all want the same damn thing, that one person that accepts you for who and what you are and is down for you from beginning to end. Isn't that what we all strive for? What does it matter if she finds solace in another woman or if he finds what he needs in another man or if after all the bull shit I've been through I find a man that knows my past and my secrets and can see that I am still special and a person of value. I like many of you want to be loved unconditionally. I want a man (or someone) that respects me and treats me as an individual, not property. I am NO ONE'S property. I do what I want when I want and that's the way it should be.
Fuck if you're a woman with a woman, a man with a man, a transgender with whatever. We all want and deserve love. What makes an LGBTQ person less deserving of love than a "straight" person? Are you telling them they don't deserve love because "it is unnatural?". I can name so many things that are unnatural. Did you know that monogamy is unnatural? That the mere thought of you being with the person you're with for the rest of life will be the only person you will be with 'till death do you part? You do know that is considered unnatural. But this is what we all want.
Why don't we focus on the fact that latinos and African Americans get stopped 20+ times more by police than "whites" do. The fact that being Black you have to work harder and longer than a white person for a fair recognition of your work. That doesn't bother you? Are you really more upset about same sex relationships than this?
We are in an era where a dumb ass like [Donald Trump] can be president of this country, claim that he will take care of everyone and then turns around and takes Health Insurance away from 25,000,000 Americans. Why won't you rise up against this? Why isn't your blood boiling against this? This affects our children, our society as a whole. Not gay people, it's YOU!!!! You ignorant pricks! No one cares about shit until it directly affects them, meanwhile these actual issues affect all of us, which I will have to cover in a separate post. Talk shit, comment and subscribe to my blog! I love to hear your feedback no matter how ignorant it may be.
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