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Men and Women, let's stop being bitches

  I have been away for a while because I felt some type of way about being told my posts are one-sided. I received some inspiration and motivation from a lovely Facebook group. I received some advice that makes sense. It's MY blog; I started it to say the things I want to say. If you prefer to read fluff, this is not the blog for you! Moving right along, I'd like to draw attention back to our President's son. A man who thought to release some email exchanges between him and a Russian music publicist that wanted him to have a meeting with a lawyer from Moscow. In the email, the agent says something along the lines of having dirt on Hillary and ending with Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump. You can find the transcript of the emails exchanged at
     If you still believe that man is innocent, you must be just a dumb as he is. As Trevor Noah, from  "The Daily Show" and a man that I admire said, it's no longer a question of whether or not there was collusion, but just how much collusion was there? I find it funny how his supporters can still say he is doing a great job. He hasn't done ANYTHING but tries to enforce his "travel ban" and pass a health care bill that serves no one but his donors. Some of the reasons repeated by his supporters as to why they chose him are because, he's not a politician, and my favorite, "he's a businessman, and he knows the business."
      Another fact I don't understand is, many people have said they didn't vote for Hillary because she's a woman. In fact, many women said this. Women bring each other down more than men do and that is a sad truth. At a time in our great country, where in the state of North Carolina, a woman cannot withdraw her consent to sexual intercourse once the act is already taking place. Where laws made to oppress women are still part of our Constitution, too many women still feel comfortable leaving their fate in a man's hands. It makes you wonder about how conditioned we have become. I remember growing up, and my mother would drill into my head that I would never get a man unless I learn how to cook and clean. Even as a child it sounded stupid to me. This practice continues today.
     I was on Facebook and came across one woman's Facebook video. She was saying something about, I know we women are independent these days and holding our own, but especially if you're raising boys to be men, they need to now that the man is always the king and always the head of the family. All I could think was you are raising your boys to fear strong women and raising your daughters to be submissive to men. How can we change things and be considered equals when we teach our children these values? What are you saying? Are you saying that even if I work just as hard as my husband and we share all bills and household responsibilities equally, he is still the final decision maker? Am I still considered a second class citizen even in my own family? I cannot agree with that.
      I say all this to say; we have a man that has been named the leader of this country. A man that can tell others that when you have money, women will let you do anything to them. Even and I quote "grab 'em by the pussy"? The same man who when elected into office was facing criminal charges. The same man that after being elected said he didn't think being President would be "this hard." I still can't wrap my head around this.  We know Mrs. Clinton won the popular vote by more than a million votes. It leads me to believe the election was rigged. She never actually stood a chance.
     Women need to stop tearing each other down and start lifting each other up. Parents stop teaching your sons to fear strong women and stop raising your daughters to believe, the man is always the King of the family. As people we need to stop taking away from the significance of being a Queen. Children need to know that raising a successful family unit is not accomplished by any one person, but the cooperation of the unit as a whole. Every member of your family should be equally valued. Last but not least men and women need to stop being bitches!


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