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Our dumb ass "President "

  So it seems there has been rumors of impeachment proceedings. With all the investigations and his obvious ignorance about the American people. He has tried to pass bills such as "the new affordable health care act". A bill which could leave up to 25 million Americans without health insurance. A good majority of his supporters are currently under "Obama care". What will they do now? Remember during his campaign he said that he was going to "take care of women"? How is defunding Planned Parenthood taking care of women? You do know that abortions are not the only thing that they do. There are men that also go to Planned Parenthood as well. Oh and let's not forget that under the new AHCA rape is considered a pre-existing condition as well as pregnancy. How is that taking care of women? Those same people that say abortions are wrong are the same ones claiming their tax dollars shouldn't have to pay for another single mother that made the "mistake" of getting pregnant. So you want a child born but you don't want to have to pay for them? So what do you think will happen if women can no longer have abortions? Let's not forget birth control would possibly also not be covered by the new bill. People say oh just give your baby up for adoption. Say that was to happen, now we will have a lot more children put into the system and foster care and who do you think is going to pay for that? Ummm your tax dollars dummy!
    That was just one issue, moving right along. We are now being represented by a man that doesn't even know American history. He said he doesn't know why the civil war could not have been avoided? Then he goes on to say President Andrew Jackson could have prevented it had he been in office. He didn't know what the civil war was even about. Nor did he know Jackson died 16 years before the civil war happened and when he did die he owned approximately 150 slaves. By the way he considers himself "a very smart man". I beg to differ.
    Along with that his campaign sparked a lot of unnecessary hatred towards immigrants. As we all know this country was built by immigrants. My father who was an immigrant, came to this country at the age of 14, taught himself to speak English and from the moment he was old enough to work he did and payed his taxes. At the same time going to school and getting his high school diploma. Fast forward to him at 22 years old when he applied to college and was denied student aid because of a mishap in his citizenship papers. So he worked and had to pay for college which forced him to only be able to complete a 2 year degree instead of  4. And through all his years in America he worked, payed taxes throughout the year and then end up paying taxes again at the beginning of the year. Meanwhile our president doesn't have to show his tax returns and says immigrants come here to take our jobs and rape our women. Yea ok.
     Next since tax payers love to whine about where their money goes don't forget it's costing tax payers almost $200,000 a day for security for his wife and son so that she can stay in Trump towers and not have to take her son out of school. Then he employs his family in white house positions which if it were anyone else it would be looked at as nepotism. Let's also keep in mind that his daughter reportedly had more than 50 tonnes of  Ivanka Trump branded clothing imported from China. I thought he said we will buy American and hire American. What happened to that?
     These are just a few things President "Pussy Grabber" has done and supported and yet his supporters still don't see anything wrong with this? Could any other person have even run for President with allegations of sexual assault against them or under investigation for scamming however many people out of thousands of dollars to his fake university? What if Obama had put a bunch of people to work under him that had absolutely no experience in their currently held positions? Hell no they would have eaten him alive.
      I think Republicans just don't want to admit they were wrong and Trump supporters dislike Obama so much that they are willing to believe anything so they don't look stupid either. You still look dumb as hell. This is what you voted for. This is what you wanted. Pat yourselves on the back, say goodbye to your health care and have fun making the 1% richer and paying higher taxes even though your precious President said he would lower them. Although he did keep that promise just not to you.



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