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13 Reasons Why

So this the letter I received from my son's school. Talking about the Netflix original "13 Reasons Why" . Basically trying to get Parents involved. I understand as parents we should take into account and pick up on the signs that our children give us. I was a troubled teen and I did things for attention from my parents. But how do you really know what's going on with your children? How do you get them to open up if something is happening? I don't want to come home and find my baby bleeding to death in the bathtub. I know this may sound cliche and we've all heard our parents say this growing up but it's true. Things were simpler in my day. Nowadays teenagers get into a fight and everyone pulls their phone out. I've seen grown ass men jump a 13 year old girl. I've seen grown ass men watching a fight of 2 high school girls and taping it on their phones while yelling "yeah pull her shirt off". I've known a school crossing guard that witnessed a student being robbed by strangers but her job strongly advises her to "not get involved". So she did nothing. Am I wrong for feeling like she could've done something.  Even taken a description in her mind somewhere and shared it with authorities? Am I wrong for being angry that she could have done something but chose to do nothing because it was in her job description?


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